Dear Senators

We hope to welcome you to the Annual Meeting of the Association of JCI Senators in Europe (ASE) during the JCI European Conference in Bucharest.

The Annual Meeting will be held in The Ramada Hotel, Bulevardul Poligrafiei 3, Bucharest on Friday 26th May 2023 at 3 pm when the Board’s annual report will be presented and the 2023/2024 ASE Board will be elected.

The Draft AGM Agenda and Nomination Form for the Elected Board positions are attached as well as the Meeting Minutes from the ASE Annual Meeting in Bruges on 11th June 2022.

The Senators Lunch and Chain Handover will on Saturday 27th May at the NOR Restaurant

The Senators Lunch is included in your conference fee as are the other elements of the Senate Programme so register now if you have not already!

We look forward to seeing you at both the AGM and the Lunch.

 Myrna Neudert
ASE Honorary Secretary 2022/23

If any Belgian senators are running for a position on the ASE board, please notify the national board.

Nominations must be sent to the Secretary of ASE not less than 28 days before the annual meeting.
The Secretary shall publish the names of candidates to Board Members, leaders of National
JCI Senate organisations and other candidates not less than 14 days before the annual